Casting hands with accesories are possible at Babyprints, jewellery such as wedding and engagement rings are often present when casting adults hands.
Tunbridge Wells babyprints produced this presentation in the photo where the bracelet had religious significance as it was put on baby Ethan at birth by a Hindu holy man. The family wanted it highlighted in gold and were thrilled with the finished frame.
As well as casting accessories worn, Babyprints are often asked to dress up the finished casts.
A bracelett on a wrist which has significance can be carefully put on the cast and displayed.
If you have an idea involving casts and accessories why not call Babyprints for a chat to see if it can be acheived.
Find your nearest Babyprints contact details or call 01279 656525 for more details.
This timeless artwork was produced by Christine in Tunbridge Wells
If you would like to browse through samples of Babyprints diverse products, please visit the links below…
Classic Baby hands and feet presentation frames
Rococo style Swept Frame presentations
Family hand print and foot print presentation frames
Bespoke and comissioned works
you can also download the Babyprints Product Brochure showing samples of our classic ranges.